Otrium’s B2B Marketplace for excess inventory

Let's work together to ensure all clothing items produced are worn.

Join the 500+ other businesses
who are using Otrium

Benefits for buyers

Get access to the world's leading brands at unbeatable prices.

  • One stop shop to over 500 brands

  • Great discounts

  • Only authentic products

Benefits for sellers

  • Best price via global auction model

  • Complete control over where goods are sold

  • Instant liquidity with zero hassle

Sell your goods discreetly. All you need to do is upload your inventory, add your preferences, and we'll pair you with the ideal partner.


  • We exclusively collaborate with brands, granting us access to the entire invoice trail, which traces back to the product's original brand or manufacturer. You're welcome to personally examine the merchandise before making a purchase, if you prefer.

  • Currently we enable you to buy and sell goods in EMEA, the UK, the US, Asia and Australia.

  • Whether you are a buyer or seller, leave a message via this website and we will reach out to you within 24h. We look forward to collaborating!